Effect of light and pulsation
on the human body and health

Scientific research
We invite scientific institutions and individual researchers to work together
Modern people
constantly lacks sunlight
Lighting using LED technology has been around for a long time and is steadily conquering new markets.
At the same time, you can find articles in the media that the use of incandescent, energy-saving and even LED lamps negatively affects the state of human health, namely, vision, hormonal, immune and endocrine systems.

What does science say?

There is no doubt that light affects the human body. Many people in autumn and winter feel frankly bad, some have chronic fatigue syndrome, weakened immunity and they often suffer from acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections, others have problems with concentration and visual impairment, some even have seasonal depression and burnout. According to experts, it is beneficial to stay in the fresh air in natural daylight for at least several hours a day to promote health and in a room with only biologically adequate lighting. Of course, this is not always possible, given the professional obligations or the atmosphere that affects a person throughout the day.

The use of artificial lighting is a necessity, and the LED technology used to provide it is implemented in many places - offices, factories, schools, kindergartens, industrial premises, as well as street lighting. This solution allows you to reduce the amount of electricity consumed, which leads to significant savings, as well as being environmentally friendly.
At the same time, there are reviews about its negative impact on health.
Is LED lighting really harmful?

According to scientists conducting research on the impact of LED lighting on human health and well-being, there are three potential threats that arise when using this type of solution. At the same time, it is noted that this applies exclusively to products of low quality.


People who are afraid to use LED bulbs should be aware that the above health hazard statements only apply to low quality bulbs and no nanotechnology. When asked whether Teslar LED lamps are dangerous, we say with full confidence: no, since they are produced by a company that cares about the safety of people.

Teslar conducts detailed quality checks, so LED bulbs do not pose any harm to health, and their use only provides benefits. The most important advantages are a fully biologically adequate and safe solar spectrum of emitted light, high energy efficiency, environmental friendliness, unparalleled durability and high quality. LED lighting can be used both in public places and in apartments - saving on payment for light, a wide selection of different lighting elements and complete safety in use are the arguments for making this particular decision.

Persons with visual disabilities are one of the most common groups among persons with disabilities

Biologically inadequate light negatively affects the development of the nervous, immune and endocrine systems

Since kindergarten, our children experience gross violations of compliance with lighting standards and the traumatic effect of toxic lighting devices
Children have a diagnosed
retinal damage in states with the massive introduction of energy-saving and LED lighting (South Korea, Japan, China)

Modern Russian schoolchildren have vision problems by the third grade
(according to the Ministry of Health of Russia)

Children in the Russian Federation graduate from school wearing glasses
(according to Rosstat data)

The prevalence of myopia among adolescents in Russia has quadrupled over the past decade
Deficiency of biologically adequate light affects:
    • Weakening of immunity;
    • Frequent acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections;
    • Development of allergic reactions;
    • Persistent herpes
    • Decreased production of vitamin D;
    • Lack of calcium in the bones, which leads to a change in their structure and deformation;
    • Inflammation of joints and tendons
    • Development of autism;
    • Cognitive impairment;
    • Developmental delays in children;
    • Decreased concentration of attention;
    • Deterioration of vision.
    • Depressed mood;
    • False fears, unexplained anxiety, panic attacks;
    • Unreasonable longing;
    • Apathy;
    • Suicidal tendencies.
    • Synthesis of hormones;
    • Malfunctions of the endocrine system;
    • Oppression of libido;
    • Decreased sex drive in both pilafs.
    • Inhibition of ovulation;
    • Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS);
    • Decreased testosterone production;
    • Infertility.
    • Violation of the body's biorhythms;
    • Chronic fatigue syndrome;
    • Mood disorders;
    • Burnout.
    • Increased risk of cardiovascular disease;
    • Risk of developing cancer of the prostate, breast, colon, endometrium, ovaries, esophagus, stomach, pancreas, bladder, kidneys.
    • Natural processes of skin renewal;
    • Increased risk of developing melanoma;
    • Psoriasis;
    • Acne.
    • The tendency to overeat in general and to carbohydrate foods in particular;
    • Difficulty burning calories;
    • Metabolic disease;
    • Increase in body weight.

Why Teslar Lighting Technologies World's № 1

  • Energy efficiency
    The industry's record energy efficiency and lowest operating cost help reduce electricity bills and save users' budgets. A new level of resource conservation contributes to lower emissions into the atmosphere, slowing down the rate of waste generation and slowing down the pace of climate change.
  • Health preservation
    Maintains health and conserves the body's resources.
    Promotes an increase in vitality and improves the body's ability to resist all types of viruses. Prevents the development of a number of pathologies and ensures the correct functioning of vital functions and human systems: endocrine, nervous and immune.
  • Life time
    The useful life of the products without deterioration in the quality and quantity of light (!) Is 200,000 hours, which is equal to 23 years of continuous use. Unique heat-conducting materials that prevent overheating of the LED and extend the service life to previously unattainable levels.

  • Nanotechnology
    High quality characteristics and high consumer properties are ensured by the use of the best available technologies and nanomaterials with previously inaccessible properties. In the production of each product, nanomaterials are used and only environmentally friendly and friendly to people and the planet technologies are used.
The table shows a comparison of Teslar's innovative graphene-containing luminaires with conventional incandescent, sodium and fluorescent lamps, as well as conventional LEDs.

- Why don't you use lighting technologies used by NASA, SpaceX and the most modern greenhouses for lighting and cultivation?

- Why don't you use lighting technologies used by NASA, SpaceX and the most modern greenhouses for lighting and cultivation?
- At the International Space Station, for growing salads and conducting experiments (VEG-01) in the framework of SpaceX research, the Orbitec VEGGIE installation is used.
To illuminate the premises on the ISS, hybrid LED lamps are used, which include groups of LEDs emitting in various ranges of the spectrum. The control system allows you to create different modes of operation by changing the color and intensity of radiation.
In both cases, we are talking about LEDs with incomplete solar radiation, and a composite luminaire, consisting of many different LEDs, several light sources in the red, blue and green range.
Tests have shown that plants grow under this lighting, but do not fully develop. The tests were carried out at the Agrophysical Research Institute and the results showed that the use of prefabricated LED lights for growing plants does not give the desired result, has increased energy consumption, poorer lighting quality and very high operating costs. The spectrum emitted by such luminaires does not have a continuous structure. And to exclude certain ranges from the full spectrum is like removing some of the keys on a grand piano and playing the melody on the rest.
For a full-fledged result, in any case, a full spectrum is needed. Removal of certain ranges from the full spectrum leads to a significant deterioration in the energy value of plants.
Teslar luminaires emit the entire solar spectrum. The previously unavailable phytoeffectiveness makes it possible to grow even faster the entire range of green crops, vegetables, as well as some of the highest quality fruits. In addition, we can shift any range of the spectrum, change the intensity to obtain any desired result (production of hormones in humans, increased production of essential oils from plants, etc.). For humans, such light has a value comparable to sunlight.
We do not stop consulting and working with fellow researchers and scientists from various scientific institutions, we are always looking for opportunities to improve developments. To date, an environmentally friendly and safe affordable technology for lighting and food production has already been created.
And we can take part in improving the technologies used in space programs and at orbital stations, but our specialists are focused on solving terrestrial problems and this, we consider, is a priority.

Nature-like technologies